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Buddhismus für den Alltag.
Mit entspannter Aufmerksamkeit durch den Tag.
Theseus 2003 und 2007 gebundene Ausgabe, Taschenbuch bei Knaur 2007

In dieser praktischen, am Alltag orientierten Einführung ... >

Das Herz erwecken
Zwölf Schritte zu einem mitfühlenden Leben
Taschenbuch bei Theseus

Wir sind von Natur aus feinfühlige und mitfühlende Wesen ... >


Mit Buddha in Kontakt
Von der Kunst, sich mit der Erleuchtung zu vernetzen
Neu im Arbor Verlag, 2010

Es möchte Sie mitnehmen auf eine Reise durch einen ganz gewöhnlichen Tag. Jeder noch so gewöhnliche Tag, ... >

Alle Bücher sind u.a. über die Buddhistische Gemeinschaft Longchen e. V. erhältlich: www.longchen.de/medien.html




well connected

Well Connected: Encountering Buddha In Everyday Life

This book is addressed to readers who want to know how to make their everyday life into a spiritual path. It introduces profound Buddhist ideas and principles, through the most ordinary and mundane activities.
In this approach to Buddhist practice the everyday world of other people, jobs, family and so on, is not an irritating distraction from the spiritual path, or something to avoid. Quite the reverse: the world and our fellow-beings are constantly reminding us of our connections to enlightenment. The only difficulty lies in seeing this.

Rediscovering our natural connection to awakening is a joyful process. It happens in a playful way, with a light touch and a smile. We don’t have to make a great solemn effort to bring it about. Certain images or symbols from daily life may spontaneously touch or inspire us, allowing our natural awakened potential to gradually unfold.

New possibilities arise, especially for parents with small children, people in demanding jobs and indeed for all of us with little time for formal meditation practice—opportunities to connect with the profundity of the Buddha’s teaching through the seemingly ordinary course of a day . 
Most of us long for greater meaning in our lives. Here that search for meaning is expressed in Buddhist terms, taking its main inspiration from a great Buddhist text, the Avatamsaka Sutra. However, the deepest significance of this search for truth passes beyond any specific religion.

"Well Connected" is an extended translation of "Mit Buddha in Kontakt. Von der Kunst, sich mit der Erleuchtung zu vernetzen." published by Arbor Verlag.

This English version was produced by Irmentraud Schlaffer and David Hutchens.

Available as an e-book in Kindle format on:
> Amazon UK or > Amazon DE

Don't worry if you don't own a Kindle. Amazon offers free software to convert the book, so you can conveniently read it on a laptop, tablet or smartphone.